01204 386 214 | 01204 704 090 info@joeegansolicitors.co.uk

How we can help you

If you have been charged with an offence and now have to appear in court you should contact us as soon as possible for our advice on what the likely next steps are and your options. 

Legal Aid is available for many people but it depends upon a few factors such as the offence you are being charged with, your income and your current circumstances. We should be able to advice you if you are likely to be granted legal aid and if not give a quote for proceedings privately. 

Important Facts:

Police Station Representation is free
Legal Aid is available in many circumstances
Having a solicitor can help
Magistrates Court

The Magistrates court is where less serious criminal cases are sent to be decided by Magistrates. Some offenses can either be tried in the Magistrates or Crown Court in which cases the Magistrates will decide if the case is serious enough to be sent to the Crown Court or remain with them.

Even if you are charged with a serious offence you will usually appear before the magistrates for bail hearing, which they will either grant, usually with conditions, or not in which case you will be held in prison until your hearing.

For more information about the magistrates court, you can consult the government’s website.

Crown Court

Crown Court is where more serious criminal matters are sent and they are dealt with by a Judge. If the matter goes to trial it would be before a Jury. Only barristers or solicitors with higher rights are able to appear in Crown Court to represent you. We prepare the case and find a suitable barrister for you if your case is before the Crown Court, we also work with you and the barrister on your defence.

If you plead not guilty in the Crown Court and therefore your case goes to trial a Jury will be the ones to decide if you are guilty or not of the charges and, if found guilty, the Judge will be the one to decide the sentence.

For more information about the crown court, you can consult the government’s website.

Magistrates and crown court

Criminal Law

Magistrates and crown court

Police Station

Magistrates and crown court

Motoring Offences

Call our 24 hour hotline for advice and assistance

We can also help with

Magistrates and crown court

Personal Injury Claims

Magistrates and crown court

Family Law

Magistrates and crown court

Wills and Probate Services


Joe Egan Solicitors 13 Mawdsley Street,
Bolton, BL1 1JZ

Old Bank Chambers 97-99 Market Street,
Farnworth, Bolton, BL4 7NS


01204 386 214 | 01204 704 090

07791 771323


Joe Egan Solicitors is the trading name of Joe Egan Solicitors Ltd a limited company registered in England and Wales · company no. 8918281 · registered office 13 Mawdsley Street Bolton BL1 1JZ. Authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority · no. 627521. · VAT no. 458078027